About the Book
Intended for a broad range of policy makers, industry experts, decision makers, academics, researchers, and NGOs, these publications aim to influence debate, practice, and policy, seeking to reconcile ape conservation and welfare with economic and social development, through objective and rigorous analysis.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, usu tantas homero consetetur in, quo ad odio apeirian dignissim, eam error putent no. Malorum molestiae ut qui, id maiorum salutandi sit, no nihil tacimates nominati qui. Nam ut inermis gloriatur. Urbanitas tincidunt ullamcorper eam ut, et eos deleniti delicata delicatissimi. His amet hinc causae eu, an vim quot admodum
Read MoreNegara Kera: Industri Ekstraktif dan Konservasi Kera
Industri Ekstraktif dan Konservasi Kera, volume pertama dalam seri Negara Kera yang baru menarik perhatian ke konteks yang terus berkembang di mana habitat kera besar dan owa semakin banyak berhadapan dengan industri-industri ekstraktif.
Read MoreLa Planète des grands singes : Les industries extractives et la conservation des grands singes
La Planète des grands singes : Les industries extractives et la protection des grands singes, premier tome d’une série de publications, met en avant l’impact croissant des activités des industries extractives sur l’habitat des grands singes et des gibbons.
Read MoreVolume I: Extractive Industries and Ape Conservation
This, the first in the biennial series, draws attention to the evolving context within which great ape and gibbon habitats increasingly interface with extractive industries. It identifies complementary objectives or mutually acceptable trade-offs and compromises that seek to reconcile ape conservation and welfare with economic and social development.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ad sit vidisse fabulas. Ea epicuri constituto qui, quando qualisque vis ex. Tamquam fuisset splendide an est. An quod corpora voluptua mea, eam congue definitiones te. Ut mea vivendo placerat.hjhjh
Read MoreSituasi Beruk: Industri Pertanian dan Pemuliharaan Beruk
Dalam menempuh arus modernisasi, sistem sosial dan ekonomi sedunia semakin berubah. Permintaan terhadap sumber semula jadi seperti tanah, air, sumber mineral, sumber tenaga, makanan dan kayu semakin meningkat.
Read MoreAbout the Book
Intended for a broad range of policymakers, industry experts, decision makers, academics, researchers, and NGOs, this publication aims to influence debate, practice, and policy, seeking to reconcile ape conservation and welfare with economic and social development, through objective and rigorous analysis.
Read MoreAbout the Book
Intended for a broad range of policymakers, investors, industry experts, decision makers, academics, researchers and NGOs, this publication aims to influence debate, practice and policy, seeking to reconcile ape conservation and welfare with economic and social development, through objective and rigorous analysis.
Read MoreSituasi Beruk: Industri Pertanian dan Pemuliharaan Beruk
Dalam menempuh arus modernisasi, sistem sosial dan ekonomi sedunia semakin berubah. Permintaan terhadap sumber semula jadi seperti tanah, air, sumber mineral, sumber tenaga, makanan dan kayu semakin meningkat. Cabaran zaman ini bukan sahaja dalam menangani trend kompleks tersebut, tapi melaksanakan strategi yang mengimbangi keperluan alam sekitar dengan keperluan sosio-ekonomi. Volum ‘State of the Apes’ telah […]
Read MoreCambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press is a not-for-profit organization that advances learning, knowledge, and research worldwide.
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